by Tsunetomi Kitano Tsunetomi Kitano had made himself a name as a great artist of bijin-ga, images of beautiful women. He was a dominating figure in the art scene of Osaka in the first half of the twentieth century.
by Shiko Munakata Shiko Munakata is one of the most significant modern Japanese artists of the twentieth century. His art work consists of paintings, prints, ceramics and calligraphy. Looking at his art work, the way he produced it and his fame, one could be tempted to call him the Japanese Picasso of the twentieth century.
by Shoen Uemura In Japan female artist Shoen Uemura is a highly respected person and a kind of household name. People owe her respect for her courage to fight for the rights of women in Japan and for her achievements as a great artist.
by Tomoo Inagaki Tomoo Inagaki is an important Sosaku Hanga artist. After World War II he found an nice little market niche. He specialized in cat prints in modern design.
by Tsukioka Kogyo Tsukioka Kogyo has a firm place in the hall of fame of Japanese woodblock print artists. Even new collectors can recognize a typical Kogyo print easily. His style is distinctive and so are his subjects - Noh plays.
by Tadamasa Ueno Tadamasa Ueno specialized on Kabuki prints designed in a modern yet classical way. In today's ukiyo-e market his prints are undervalued for no understandable reason. Collectors who have the courage to go against fancy trends will get a lot of good print for little money.
by Chiura Obata After 1945 quite a few Japanese artists settled permanently in the United States like Masami Teraoka or Tadashi Asoma. Chiura Obata was the first to live and work in the US. It was not always easy for him. When Japanese Americans and Japanese nationals from the West coast were put into detention camps in 1942, he was among them.
by Kazutoshi Sugiura The works of Japanese artists Kazutoshi Sugiura are unique in Japanese art history. His pictures are gems of noble beauty and treasure, as seen in the gold-grounded dreamlike floridity. Despite his concentration on a single motif, flower still lifes, he has earned himself an international reputation for his art.